11月にオープンしました、Afternoon Tea HOME & LIVING EXPOCITY店の竣工写真をHOME PAGEにUPしました!
部屋から部屋へ、インテリアと商品の移り変わりが楽しめる「ROOM TO ROOM」の空間構成とし、緑が茂るサンテラスを持つ郊外のゆったりとした一軒家をイメージしてデザインさせて頂きました。
Afternoon Tea Home & Living, a new venue targeting family audience, has opened in one of the Japan’s largest commercial complexes, EXPOCITY. Incorporating the concept of “Room to Room”, the space is designed to entice visitors to explore and enjoy transition of neatly displayed items and the matching interior, which vary from room to room. The design is derived from the image of a spacious house with a sun terrace surrounded by greenery in the suburbs. The space creates an exciting yet relaxing shopping experience for the whole family.
どうぞ覗いてみてください。☞ こちらよりご覧になれます。

Works page: http://www.headstarts.jp/works_afternoontea_6.html
Face Book page: https://www.facebook.com/HEADSTARTS/