CATEGORY: Retail, Goods
LOCATION: Yokohama (Food & Time Isetan), Kanagawa
PHOTOGRAPH: Kozo Takayama
YEAR: March 2018
URL: http://www.suika.me
Yaoyasuika, a vegetable store with a concept of “Eat Great, Live Great”, has opened its second venue in “FOOD & TIME ISETAN YOKOHAMA” situated in Yokohama Station West Exit Sotetsu-Joinus.
In line with the store's desire to deliver fresh and vibrant seasonal vegetables, a new approach was taken to preserve the vegetables' freshness. A walk-in refrigerator, called the "FRESH ROOM," was installed at the center of the space, transforming the entire room into a refrigerated area. A dedicated air conditioning system was installed to manage temperature and prevent condensation.
The layout centered around the “FRESH ROOM” is designed to allow customers to roam around the store, inducing a smooth flow of traffic. It is aimed at encouraging more opportunities for everyone to come into contact with what you take into your body.
To accentuate the beauty of richly colored ripe vegetables, the design of the space itself is kept minimal while the “FRESH ROOM” is represented as a “display barn” where freshly harvested, captivating vegetables are beautifully stored.
A large amount of cedar wood, which has long been used for traditional apple crates, is juxtaposed to suggest old-fashioned grocery stores against modern elements.
"元気に食べて、元気に暮らす”をコンセプトとする八百屋瑞花の2号店が、横浜駅西口相鉄ジョイナス「FOOD&TIME ISETAN YOKOHAMA」にオープンしました。
旬で元気なお野菜を届けたいというお店の意向から、野菜の鮮度を保つための新しい試みとして部屋そのものが冷蔵庫になった"ウォークイン冷蔵庫『FRESH ROOM』”を空間の中央に設置。温度管理と結露対策のため専用の空調機を取り付けました。
『FRESH ROOM』を中心に回遊性の高い導線計画とし、人と食の接点をより多く結ぶ工夫をしました。また実り豊かな野菜の魅力を引き立たせるため空間はミニマムに、『FRESH ROOM』は新鮮な野菜を貯蔵する“魅せる納屋”をイメージしてデザインしました。昔からりんご箱として使われている杉材を多用することで、現代的な要素の中にも“昔ながらの八百屋さん”を彷彿とさせるデザインを取り入れているのもポイントです。